
I’m Jamie Harrison, and I am a UMBC alumnus, graduate student and staff member. In short, the UMBC Trifecta.

I have also written more seriously; if you’re interested, you can find these at:


There are creepy stories (a few of which have been previously published), historical narratives & tons of papers I wrote as an undergrad (who knows? you may just find a paper of mine on a topic you’re researching; if you need the footnotes, let me know).

The subject matter is diverse, but there’s lots of history & philosophy, mixed in with some literature commentary. Some entries are long, some are a pretty quick read. There’s even a poem.
I don’t pretend to be a professional writer, though I was compensated for a few of the short stories. If you find a typo or some error in logic, please let me know.

Thanks for visiting, and if you like what you see, please subscribe by email.

3 Responses to “About”

  1. Avinash Mangar Says:

    Mr. Harrison,

    This is Avinash Mangar, current president of the University of Maryland’s Cricket Club. I read your article about Cardinal Gibbons and, quite frankly, am disheartened by what happened. I do not know the current state of the school, it’s cricket club, or the players, but if you would like to round them up for a match we would be more than happy to host them in the fall. Feel free to contact me at amangar@umd.edu. Thank you.

    • jamieumbc Says:


      Is Troy Shuman the Vice-President of your club? I ask because he has been corresponding with me regarding a new cricket club at UMD, and I have agreed to donate some items myself, while trying to find others to donate as well.

      As for our team, sadly, it no longer exists. Most of the players have gone off to college, and the school allowed almost all of our equipment to be stolen. Thank you very much for your kind offer anyway. It was very nice of you.

      You and your teammates might still help, though. I’m now the president of the Maryland Youth Cricket Association, and we could always use generous individuals like yourself to help us spread cricket throughout Maryland. If you could, visit our website at http://mdyouthcricket.org, and also the USYCA’s site at http://usyouthcricket.org. After learning more about us, please let me know if you know of anyone who’s interested in our mission.


  2. jamieumbc Says:

    It’s a sketch by Bill Robles that’s been reproduced on the internet, here, for example: http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/Simpson/Jury.JPG

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